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1. The students has to be prepared well for the piano lessons


2. The parent/student can cancel the piano lesson, preferred with one day in advance and the latest possible with 2 hours ahead, by calling/texting/e-mailing the teacher 


3. If the parent or student did not call for canceling the piano lesson in advance and the piano teacher has just arrived to the student's home, and the student is not home, or the student does not want to have the lesson while the teacher is there,  the lesson will be considered done as if the lesson was given,  and the teacher has to be paid normal. 


4. The piano lesson can be reschedule according to the teacher schedule, if possible, but not later then one month. 


5. The payment for piano lessons has to be made once at the beginning of each month. 


6. The charging fee for piano lesson is ? lei for one hour.


7. In order to see the progression of the student, the piano teacher might need the help to record the student,  to look after students mistakes for finding solutions on solving the problems for better interpretation on the new scores practiced and learned.


8. Piano lessons can be terminated by either the Parent/student or teacher  any time. 


9. Parents are requested not to advise the teacher in decisions regarding the methods used, the way of teaching, the selected scores, or the way of running piano lessons.


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